OMS SCP Brochure

OMS Specialty Connector & Pipe Weld-on Connections For Conductor and Surface Casing Land, Platform, Jack-Up, Floater, Deepwater Applications. OMS has long established field proven products for conductor and surface casing, the JV family of connections have been designed based on field experience, voice of client, product knowledge, product development, analysis and testing.

OMS Singapore Advances with New Additive Manufacturing Machines

OMS Singapore Advances with New Additive Manufacturing Machines In FY2023, OMS Singapore upgraded its capabilities by integrating five advanced 3D printers into the facility. These state-of-the-art machines, acquired through a partnership with Markforged, allow us to print components made from plastic, fiber-reinforced plastic, and metal. A team of 15 OMS personnel received comprehensive training from […]